The Community for Corporate Entrepreneurs

Digitally connecting senior corporate innovation profiles, across industries and borders in an inspiration, learning, and support network.

Get advice on venturing challenges from peers who understand you.

That’s how this works – join other corporate entrepreneurs who are on your level from various industries around the world. And, openly learn from each other’s challenges and experiences.

Engaging roundtables

Members of the club meet up bi-monthly on a video call, breakout into small rooms, and discuss strategic challenges that are predefined by you.

Expert connections

Keep up with the members you meet on our closed LinkedIn group. If you ever need to pick someone’s brain or get a fresh perspective, you know where to go.

Insights library

New thought leadership pieces are created from the insights gained in the club, and in collaboration with you. The opportunity exists for you to become an expert author.

A few of the companies our members represent

Get support from 150+ innovation leaders.

Connect with senior leaders at the world's biggest companies who know exactly what you're going through: the difficulty of gaining internal stakeholder support, the pressure of proving ROI, the complexity of spinning off a venture, and more.

Solve challenges together, faster.

Join monthly calls tackling burning challenges facing our industry. It's also common to meet authors of famed innovation books on those calls, who provide expert insights you can take forward.

Tap into a network of your peers.

Keep up with the members you meet in the Venture Club, or get an intro through the Club concierge. If you ever need to pick someone’s brain or get a fresh perspective, you know where to go.

Club resources, at your fingertips.

New thought leadership pieces are created from the insights gained in the Club. The opportunity exists for you to become an expert author.

Boost your innovation knowledge and network.

Our roundtables are exclusively for corporate innovation professionals who have been around the block and have something to share.

Nice to talk to people who have the same challenges and get new insights from best practises.

Tobias Seegers,
Chemovator GmbH

Nice to talk to people who have the same challenges and get new insights from best practices.

Tobias Seegers,
Chemovator GmbH

Excellent exchange of an experienced group

Ubald Kragten,

Very friendly and insightful chat with innovation peers and expert moderators

Nicolas Bry,

Boost your innovation knowledge and network.

Our roundtables are exclusively for corporate innovation professionals who have been around the block and have something to share.

Nice to talk to people who have the same challenges and get new insights from best practises.

Tobias Seegers,
Chemovator GmbH
David Szeles
Head of Venture Building at OTP Bank

"Asking for critical challenges from the participants and introducing them at the beginning of the session is a nice touch!"

Phil Hague
Innovation Leader at 3M

"It was wonderful to connect and be reminded that others are facing the same challenges. Lots of useful ideas for me! Thank you for hosting."

Rajesh Gopinathan
Director of business Transformation at Seaspan corpt

"I enjoyed the conversation today and it was very insightful. Looking forward to future engagements."

Frank Mattes
Founder and CEO at Lean Scaleup


Hrvoje Patajac
Member Of The Supervisory Board at Croatia osiguranje d.d.

"Friendly and open discussion. Very useful as participants share their first-hand experiences."

Lennart Weichert
Venture Architect at SQUARED - The Innovation Factory by OBI

"Very insightful, thank you!"

Solve challenges and achieve tangible results, together.

For you, by you.

The Bundl Venture Club is designed  specifically for and by corporate entrepreneurs. This means all topics discussed are based on real member challenges.

Insights into actions.

The point is simple – help each other navigate the complex world of venturing. Insights and learnings gained in club activities will be developed into actionable content pieces.

Digital convenience.

The club comes to you. We are a
digital-first community, which means you can access the content, roundtables, and group from virtually anywhere. No travelling needed.

How can you become a Venture Club member?

You apply in 2 minutes
We check if your profile aligns with our mission
We invite you to join, this is a free membership
You apply in 2 minutes
We check if your profile aligns with our mission
We invite you to join

Venture Club members are currently discussing and sharing ideas about these burning topics:

"How should I set up and ecosystem with startups?"

"Which technologies will disrupt B2C brands next?"

"How do I incentivise the founders of a corporate startup?"

"What’s the impact of ChatGPT and AI on corporate innovation?"

"How to get your first 1000 customers?"

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The perks of being a member:

Define the topics of future roundtables and content
Access a global network of corporate entrepreneurs
Opportunity to author unique thought leadership pieces

The Venture Club Library

Interview: Catarina Santos, Corporate Innovation Expert in Pharma

Interview: Catarina Santos, Corporate Innovation Expert in Pharma

Get insights from an industry innovator on balancing in-house and external venturing activities and a forecast of corporate entrepreneurship in the next 10 years.

6 Key Takeaways From Our Interview With Andrew Binns, Co-Author of Corporate Explorer

6 Key Takeaways From Our Interview With Andrew Binns, Co-Author of Corporate Explorer

Discover the key insights we gained during our chat with Andrew Binns, co-author of Corporate Explorer.

Interview: Jerker Dammbro, CEO at Glow by Norway Post

Interview: Jerker Dammbro, CEO at Glow by Norway Post

How do you go from idea to thriving corporate venture? We had a chat with Jerker Dammbro, CEO at Glow by Norway Post, to get the full story.

Roundtable insights - how to unlock corporate assets

Roundtable Insights: How to Unlock Corporate Assets to Boost Venture Portfolio Growth

Top corporate entrepreneurs share their insights and strategies on formalising access to valuable corporate assets.

Roundtable insights - how to unlock corporate assets

Roundtable Insights: The Corporate Assets You Should Offer Startup Partners

Top corporate entrepreneurs share their experiences on identifying and leveraging existing corporate assets to fuel startup partnerships and accelerate growth.

Take your corporate venture to scale and beyond with the help of 10 resources, tools, articles, and interviews in one handy pack.

Resource Pack: Corporate Scaleups

Take your corporate venture to scale and beyond with the help of 10 resources, tools, articles, and interviews in one handy pack.

See all articles

How to Build Incentive Packages That Attract and Motivate Corporate Venture Co-Founders to Succeed

How to Build Incentive Packages That Attract and Motivate Corporate Venture Co-Founders to Succeed

Discover the five key components you can use to build tailored incentivisation packages that attract top entrepreneurial talent and boost your chances of venture success.

The Corporate Startup Interview: How Hatch’s founder led an inspiringly unconventional journey to acquisition

The Corporate Startup Interview: How Hatch’s founder led an inspiringly unconventional journey to acquisition

We caught up with Hatch founder, Anne-Christine Polet to find out how she took her corporate-incubated venture through a merger, a split, and an acquisition - an unconventional journey that we can all learn from.

10 Key Steps to Making Your Corporate Spin-off a Success

10 Key Steps to Making Your Corporate Spin-off a Success

Discover the ten key steps that can help you turn your corporate venture into a thriving independent entity, covering everything from planning to execution.