5 Proven Business Models of Recent Years

New lessons from companies using models that endured the past years and how to implement them successfully.

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5 Proven Business Models of Recent Years

What is it for?

In recent years, select business models flourished in response to global trends and changing environments. A few years, and world-changing events later, we revisit these business models to see how they're faring: what went right and wrong, and most importantly why and what can you learn from them?


  • Get an analysis of 5 proven business models used in recent years.
  • Learn how to apply them successfully with lessons from companies executing them.
  • Understand what you need in place to execute these business models in today’s world.
  • Find out how you can test any business model revisions in a lean way.

What you can expect.

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Key learnings.

Affected by external factors

There are multiple catalysts affecting any and all business models from politics to natural disasters.

Need to adapt

It’s necessary to regularly adjust and adapt your business model design to balance feasibility, viability, and desirability.

Lean experimentation is key

The whole execution along with any adjustments must be tested with real customers first before investing further to avoid collapse.


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5 Proven Business Models of Recent Years

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