Tellow – a bookkeeping app for freelancers – built by Rabobank in less than 1 year

Jochem Baars was Strategy & Innovation Manager at Rabobank when he participated in the bank’s first Moonshot campaign. There, Tellow was born.

What’s in a Corporate Startup? & Intrapreneur Stories with Jochem Baars

Jochem Baars was Strategy & Innovation Manager at Rabobank when he participated in the bank’s first Moonshot campaign. There, Tellow was born. A fully fledged digital bookkeeping solution to self-employed entrepreneurs, Tellow became a successful corporate startup.

Tellow notifies users when an invoice has been paid and automatically processes scanned receipts. The tool overviews the user’s current balance, expected VAT and outstanding amounts, avoiding financial surprises and keeping the user up to date. Freelancers save time and can be more involved in their businesses.

Jochem has now moved onto new projects. But in this episode of What’s in a Corporate Startup, he takes us through the first steps of Tellow, from idea to MVP to the startup’s growth path.

How was the team setup?  Which bank assets were most useful? What were the milestones? How did his role change throughout the process? What would have he done differently?

In this episode if Intrapreneur Stories, Jochem Baars takes us through his journey at Rabobank and shares invaluable tips for corporate innovators looking to cut through the red tape at large organizations.

Do you want to share your corporate startup story with the community, or do you have a question about intrapreneurship? Let’s talk!

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