Javier Poves

Javier Poves

Venture Architect

Javier joined the Bundl family in June 2021 as a Venture and Innovation Trainee, one month after his graduation.

At Bundl, Javier drives most of his energy into making interesting and helpful visuals for clients and users from insights he has found while researching and discussing with the team.

He did his bachelor in Product Design Engineering in Spain and his master in Strategic Product Design in the Netherlands. Javier came to hear about Bundl from a friend who had done an internship here in 2020. Bundl connected with Javier a few weeks before he finished his masters as his profile was a strong match for our venture traineeship.

Outside of Bundl, Javier is passionate about the use of data-tracking devices for behavioural change, mostly in the health and wellbeing domain. He believes the fact that we can now track our bodies (heart-rate, blood pressure, blood glucose, etc.) is something that will help a lot of people to live a longer and a healthier life. Ideally, one day people will be able to know what works best for them in terms of health and lifestyle.

He is also an aspiring entrepreneur and shares this entrepreneurial mindset with some friends back in Spain. They have created a couple of ventures targeting the student community in his home city, Alicante. Unfortunately for Javier he cannot help with that anymore, since he is living abroad. Although, when he travels home they get together to discuss new opportunities.

After an action packed day at Bundl, you’ll probably find him doing cross-fit as it helps him to disconnect. He also loves comedy shows and standup comedy specials. Javier has the most absurd sense of humour. The silliest jokes can make him laugh, and maybe even cry. One day, Javier would like to try do some standup comedy himself.