Alessandro Joined the Bundl family in May 2021 as a Digital Marketing Trainee.
Alessandro Monari

Alessandro Monari

Digital Marketer

Alessandro Joined the Bundl family in May 2021 as a Digital Marketing Trainee.

At Bundl, Alessandro helps the marketing and sales department with CRM, LinkedIn campaigns and marketing research.

He is passionate about the relationship you can create with clients, which he believes goes far beyond the simple sales process. Marketing is what makes someone think, "oh, I recognise that logo or that jingle", and creates a world around a company and its beliefs.

Alessandro has a diverse background working as anything from an electrician to a fruit picker. He went to Australia, where he worked for one year in many different roles such as construction, hospitality,  PR, picking apples, watermelon, rockmelon and onions. Alessandro is currently studying at ‘Thomas More: International Communication and Media’ alongside his traineeship at Bundl.

Outside of the traineeship and his studies, you’ll find him playing soccer, tennis, video games or reading by the seaside. Alessandro also enjoys cooking for friends and family, a true Italian.